Test for free!

Create a free account Go to Mediasafe GPS Server, Your account will be valid for 7 days and for 1 tracker device.

There is 2 different apps developed for the server.

Traccar Client

How to install

1. Download it to your phone and open it.

2. Before you activate it you need to configure some parameters:

Traccar Manager

How to install

1. Download it to your phone.

2. On the first launch you will be asked for the url to the server. Use https://gps.mediasafe.pro.

3. Enter your email and password used to create the server account.

4. Press "Ready" to log in. Next time, you’ll be logged in automatically.

Now you can follow your devices on the map and make a lot of configurations.

Other Trackers

Important Considerations


Find everything about our server and configuration guides. Click Here. The page also includes a helpful forum. Alternatively, send your questions to support@mediasafe.pro—we’re happy to help!