Our Privacy Policy

In this page all the privacy management in data processing for the services provided by Mediasafe, as regards its users' personal data.

This notice is in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016

Our privacy policy describes what information we gather through the user’s access, the use of our services, the use we make of such information, and the security level we give for protecting this information.

The company is located in Cyprus and thus it is subject to the laws and regulations of Cyprus and the EU (Europe Union). The data process holder is Anders Yuran, manager of Mediasafe, with office in Havouza 15, 4706 Pissouri, Cyprus.

What data we collect

All pieces of information used for the registration of our services are considered personal data as such we give the same level of protection provided by the GDPR.

All mandatory fields required during the registration are used to be comply with fiscal duties.

The optional, explicit and voluntary mail messages sent to the addresses reported on this website implies the sender’s email address acquisition, necessary to reply to his request, together with other personal data reported on the mail.

Specific concise notices will be progressively reported or shown on the web site pages for particular optional services. Users are free, at any given time, to opt-out of those features through the account settings panel.

The user can be free to give his personal data on the request modules to contact the office to ask to be sent information or any other communication.

The non-communication of these data can make impossible to get what has been asked for.

Data collection

Our policy is to gather as little user information as possible to ensure a private and anonymous user experience when using our services. Service's user data collection is limited to the following:

Web site activity - We use Matomo, an open source analytics tool, for statistic purpose. Analytics are anonymized and stored locally (and not on the Cloud).

Cookies - Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behavior information. When you visit our websites, we may collect information from you automatically through cookies or similar technology. Provided that the website mxmail.pro uses only technical cookies for which users' prior consent is not necessary to install these cookies, the only cookie that may be set when you visit mediasafe.pro is: Mediasafe Session Cookie (JSESSIONID) This cookie contains a randomly generated number and is used to manage the user session. This cookie is necessary for registration and payment processes.

Email box activity Unencrypted messages sent from external providers to mediasafe or from mediasafe to external providers are scanned for spam and viruses to protect user’s email boxes. We provide a tool to encrypt outgoing messages consequently, in this case, we do not have access to them not even for spam and virus detection. To check the volume of emails sent we need to have access to the following information: email size, message id and the message’s date.